I got offered the job but didn’t take it

Apr 2, 2021 | Career Coaching


Kevin is based in USA ???????? and came to me in a bad place. His work environment was toxic and he was thinking of walking out

He knew what his dream job was, but felt that it was a few years away and he needed to learn more skills

Through coaching he identified some next-step jobs that would help him gain those skills, but then he applied for a role that he thought he’d be happy in for life

After an extremely rigorous interview process, he was offered the job at a huge prestigious IT company. A company that “It would have been great to have on my CV”

But to their shock, he turned them down

He said no to the massive salary increase

He said “nothing” when they asked what they could do to make him change his mind

He told me that through coaching he had realised that he’d always just worked in jobs doing stuff. Doing it well and getting promotions yes, but not being inspired. “I can’t do it anymore, I want to work on something that matters to me”

He had another offer on the table and chose to work in an industry that he cares about

He’s happy, he’s content, he’s been true to himself

He’s now the Director of Engineering

He starts Monday

(btw, he’s not called Kevin, obviously)

Tailored Career Coaching

Understand your career goals

Be aware of your strengths

Build your network

See your next steps clearly

Be proud of your CV


Secure an interview

Nail the interview

Get the job

Maximise your 90 day impact

Position yourself for promotion

If you’d like to explore how to unlock your potential or feel you need to re-invigorate yourself, please get in touch