Personal Best

Apr 23, 2021 | Career Coaching

I ran a half marathon last weekend – 6 minutes 7 seconds faster than ever before. I’m still smiling about it and yet the actual time isn’t why I’m happy

With a personal best, the satisfaction doesn’t come from being the fastest or winning

It’s about achieving another goal that may be meaningless to others but that means something to you

It’s about being as good as you could be in that moment of time, performing as close to your potential as possible, even when juggling everything else in life

It’s about being better at something than you’ve ever been before

I had believed it might be possible, got coaching and done the work. My Garmin workout stats showed my heart rate and cadence had been bang on what I planned and my pace had been even better than what I believed was possible. That’s why I’m still smiling!

I have the same mindset with career goals. Choose something that means something to you and that might just be possible, then work toward achieving personal bests

This allows you to be inspired when others seemingly do better (or actually run faster)

It allows you to be satisfied and have contentment

It can help you see additional growth potential

A personal best at my age!?!


I wonder what else is possible?

Tailored Career Coaching

Understand your career goals

Be aware of your strengths

Build your network

See your next steps clearly

Be proud of your CV


Secure an interview

Nail the interview

Get the job

Maximise your 90 day impact

Position yourself for promotion

If you’d like to explore how to unlock your potential or feel you need to re-invigorate yourself, please get in touch