Aug 23, 2021 | Career Coaching


I got an email last week from a guy I helped earlier in the year. It was just a quick note to tell me he was now in a new job, and to say thanks.

This week I got another thank you email from someone who I’d been working with. He hasn’t got a move yet but is in the middle of a few interview processes and is really pleased with how they are going.

Both of these emails arrived on days when I needed them
– They made me smile
– They totally changed my day for the better
– They made me think of who I should send a thank you to

Imagine we all took some time today to say thanks to someone and explain why we appreciated what they did?

Just a thought….

Tailored Career Coaching

Understand your career goals

Be aware of your strengths

Build your network

See your next steps clearly

Be proud of your CV


Secure an interview

Nail the interview

Get the job

Maximise your 90 day impact

Position yourself for promotion

If you’d like to explore how to unlock your potential or feel you need to re-invigorate yourself, please get in touch