We don’t have any budget for staff development

Feb 13, 2021 | Agile Coaching & Training


I was talking with a site lead a few months back. I was impressed by the company and their plans to grow, but this comment stuck in my mind

Fair enough, 2020 was a bit mad! Congratulations everyone for surviving it!

And yet we know that we will all spend lots of hours working next year, either as individuals or as organisations

– Does it not make sense to plan some budget to develop your teams so that all those hours can be more effective?

– Does it not make sense to invest in yourself so that you are more likely to achieve your goals?

2021 is a new year, with new budgets and new potential. Let’s plan to thrive, not just survive!

Agile Coaching & Training

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If you’d like to explore how to unlock your teams potential or feel you need to re-invigorate yourself, please get in touch